Find Healthy Home Cooked Meals Near you
How it works!
Enjoy tasty and healthy meals expertly made by chefs in your area.
Frequently asked questions
What is Homechef?
Homechef is a marketplace where people can sell home cooked meals to hungry people nearby. We make it easy for anyone to take on orders, make food and have hot meals delivered.
Why do I have to order before 12:00?
Homechef focuses on delivering freshly cooked meals to your home. We achieve this by using fresh ingredients. Only by giving our chefs the space to prepare your delicious meals is this possible.
When will my meals be delivered?
If you chose default delivery, then your order will be delivered between 17:30 and 20:00 on the day of delivery. If you chose hourly delivery, then your order will be delivered in the hourly range of the meal delivery. If you chose specific delivery, then your order will be delivered no more then 15 minutes outside of the specified window.
How can I cancel/change my order?
Any changes to your order can be made either by contacting us on WhatsApp (preferably) or by editing your order on our website.
PLEASE NOTE - The closer to the delivery time, the more complicated for us to make changes. So please do let us know at your earliest!
Why are you only in Groningen
Currently we are running our pilot in Groningen. We are finetuning our process before we want to move this model to other places.